How to cut a pineapple

How to cut a pineapple

Don’t be intimidated by pineapple’s spiky exterior, cutting into it is easy! I was in my mid-30s when I cut into my first pineapple so you aren’t alone.

I didn’t grow up in a household stocked full of fruit. Not having a taste for fruit, I carried these fruit-less habits into adulthood. Maybe once a year I’d buy cherries from a roadside stand during their peak season but that was about the extent of my fruit intake. Exotic fruit was completely off the table, I had no idea what to do with it or how to even go about cutting into it.

I spent two months in Costa Rica and it changed everything. I fell in love with not only pineapple but all of the fresh fruit! Every meal had a side of fruit and I took this habit back home with me.

On the beginning of my travels in Costa Rica, day after day I’d see fellow travelers return to the hostel with all sorts of fruit — pineapple being a popular choice among everyone. I hadn’t had much experience eating pineapple aside from Hawaiian pizzas growing up, so I wasn’t really sure what else to do with it or how to even go about getting the fruit out from under the spiky exterior. The best way to learn? I started asking questions!

I observed several ways to cut into a pineapple, but I found my tried-and-true method. It’s so simple, I can’t believe I was halfway through my third decade of life when I cut into my first pineapple. Now, pineapple is a staple in my home, along with a rainbow selection of fruit!

Pineapple ready for cutting into

1. Choose your pineapple

The outside should be firm but slightly soft. If it’s rock-hard, it’s not going to be very ripe and won’t be very sweet, either! But don’t let the pineapple sit too long; if it’s starting to mold on the outside and already has an unappetizing aroma then chances are it will be overripe and have a funky taste/smell.

2. Cut off the top

Discard this part, you won’t need it!

Cut the top of the pineapple off
Pineapple sliced into rounds

3. Slice into rounds

Slice off what you need and store the rest of the pineapple in the fridge, no containers necessary.

4. Slice off the outer skin and center piece

Don’t forget about the tough piece in the middle of the pineapple, always cut this out! After you’ve discarded the exterior skin and the center piece, the rest of the fruit is ready for eating!

Pro tip: I’ve seen people cut off all of the skin when they get a new pineapple and then store the rest of pineapple in the fridge, exterior-less. Don’t do that! It doesn’t keep fresh for as long. Only cut what you need and keep the skin on for the rest as a protective wrapping.

Pineapple going to waste? If the pineapple is sitting in the fridge for too long and no one is eating it, try this: Cut the entire pineapple into bite-sized squares and store in a well-sealing container. It will disappear!

Pineapple round with the outer layer and the center piece cut off

What to do with pineapple?

Pineapple can be used to make all sorts of versatile dishes! The sweetness compliments spicy curries, it adds excitement to salads, and is fabulous in smoothies! Fruit is often time omitted from main courses in American meals, but it can add so much depth to flavors.

Some of my recipes with pineapple (more coming soon!)

Tropical Green Smoothie topped with fresh fruit and nuts
Tropical Green Smoothie
Sweet & Spicy BBQ Pizzas
Vegan Sweet & Spicy BBQ Pizza
Mango & Pineapple Smoothie
Mango & Pineapple Smoothie

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