About Me

Hi I’m Jill, The Wandering Veggie! If I’m not out exploring, you’ll find me cooking up a plant-based storm in the tiny house I live in, located in the heart of the Cascade Mountains.

This is it, this is my tiny kitchen! We have no running water, limited power, a hot plate to cook, and no oven. There’s a mini fridge inside and a full-sized fridge outside where everything freezes in the winter. It’s not easy, but I make it work. I want you to know that you don’t need a big beautiful kitchen in order to prepare fabulous, healthy meals for you and your loved ones; whatever kitchen setup you have in your home is probably better than mine!

Why did I go plant-based?

After neglecting my body for a couple of decades, I came to realize that, overall, I didn’t feel well. Like, at all. Morning people would irritate me because I was sleeping until 10-11 a.m. and it took every ounce of energy to get through most days. As someone who has always been extremely active, this wasn’t working for me.

I started to educate myself on nutrition and how the body functions, and I realized that it made perfect sense why I felt awful all of the time—you literally are what you eat! Everything I was putting into my body as fuel was toxic, garbage, and not what my body needed. The loss of energy and well-being happens slowly, it’s not overnight, and it’s why I went so long without noticing.

So, I started on a different path to turn everything around. My energy rebounded and I feel better in my 40s than I ever did in my 20s! I also discovered that I’m actually a morning person, it’s my favorite time of day! Who knew?

Now that I’ve reclaimed all this energy that I haven’t had since I was a kid, I’d like to travel and see the world! On my food blog I’ll share all my favorite recipes along with fun and interesting facts about why and how food works it’s magic, in hopes that it will help inspire and fuel a dynamic life.