This Creamy Mango Smoothie is equally satisfying on a hot summer afternoon as it is delightful on a gloomy winter morning. It’s more than a frothy treat; this smoothie is packed full of vitamins, minerals, and Omega-3s! It’s a powerhouse of Vitamin C: one cup of mango alone supplies 67% of your recommended daily intake for vitamin C! If you have a sweet tooth, swap out your nightly dessert of ice cream for this smoothie and you’ll get all the gratifying pleasures of a delicate treat without the unhealthy baggage!
Is frozen fruit as good as fresh?
Yes, and it actually may have a nutrient advantage! Frozen fruit is picked at its peak ripeness and quickly frozen whereas fresh fruit is picked before it’s ripe so it has a time buffer before sitting on the shelves at the grocery store. So don’t think that you’re missing out on nutrients if your fruit is frozen rather than fresh! Frozen is just as (or more!) nutritious, is fast and convenient for smoothies, and the cold fruit makes it so you don’t have to add any ice!
Do smoothies spike your blood sugar?
Unfortunately, yes. The good new is, fruit is naturally wrapped in fiber so that helps slow digestion. But even with the fiber you still have to be careful because smoothies are processed into a drink that make it so much easier to consume quickly versus sitting down and chewing a plate full of all the those same ingredients. With all smoothies, you want to take your time and don’t chug it!
Aside from being a powerhouse of vitamin C, mango also packs an impressive amount of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals! One cup (165 grams) of fresh mango provides:
(% of the daily value)
- Vitamin C: 67%
- Copper: 20%
- Folate: 18%
- Vitamin B6: 12%
- Vitamin A: 10%
- Vitamin E: 10%
- Vitamin K: 6%
- Niacin: 7%
- Potassium: 6%
- Riboflavin: 5%
- Magnesium: 4%
- Thiamine: 4%1
What are hemp hearts?
Hemp hearts are shelled hemp seeds packed full of healthy fats, protein, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids! They have a delicate buttery and nutty flavor, making them easy to add into a wide range of dishes. Three Tbsp of hemp hearts contain an impressive 10 grams of protein as well as 3,000 mg of ALA omega-3 fatty acids, which is 162–236% of the daily recommended intake! Forget the fish, hemp hearts are a much healthier choice for omega-3s!2
Hemp hearts may also reduce blood pressure, lower your risk of heart disease, and aid in digestion.

Creamy Mango Smoothie
- 8 oz Plant milk more to thin
- 2 cups Mango chunks fresh or frozen
- ½ of a Banana
- 3 Tbsp Hulled hemp seeds
- 2 tsp Lime juice — about ½ of a lime
- Optional sweetener — date maple syrup, honey
- Place all ingredients except for optional sweetener into a high speed blender and blend until smooth and creamy. Taste, and if it needs a little sweetness then add in your choice of sweetener. Enjoy!
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